

Tuition Rebate Incentive Plan (TRIP)

The Tuition Rebate Incentive Plan (TRIP) is an exciting opportunity for families to accumulate credit specifically to reduce their tuition. Enrollment is available to:
  • Current School Families
  • Families who plan to send their children to CCS in the future,
  • Individuals who would like to participate on behalf of an CCS family,
  • Individuals who would like to participate to earn credit for our Tuition Assistance program, and
  • Churches interested in accumulating credit for their Christian Education Fund.
Through the physical gift card program, bulk quantities of gift cards/certificates from grocery and retail stores are purchased at a discount. The certificates are then sold to participating families at face value. The discount received is passed on to the family in the form of tuition credit. Here is an example:

A family submits an order on Monday for $100 in Jewel gift cards. Their order and check are processed and on Thursday that family receives $100 in gift cards. The family receives a 4% discount for Jewel and this 4% (or $4.00) is applied to the ordering family account as tuition credit.

This example represents a yearly savings of $208 (just on groceries) if gift cards are ordered each week. Combine these earnings with purchases made for over 150 participating merchants available through TRIP and the savings can really add up!
There are 40 voucher merchants participating as well. TRIP voucher purchases do not require you to buy gift cards in advance. At the time of making a purchase, a voucher form is presented to the merchant. The merchant completes the form and remits a check to TRIP for the amount of tuition credit earned. It is then applied to your account.

Each April and October, statements are sent to participating families advising them of the tuition credit they earned. Credit may be deducted from future tuition payments. TRIP operates on a weekly basis during the school year with the exception of school holidays, and typically it operates bi-weekly during the summer. See the events calendar below for our operating schedule. Orders must be deposited at any school office on Mondays by 8:30 am. The orders are processed and are available for pick-up on Thursday afternoons or can be sent home with your student. 

TRIP now offers 3 ways for families to earn tuition credit:
  • Traditional physical gift card program --turn in your white ordering envelope at any campus by 8:30 a.m. on processing days (normally every Monday)
  • Online ordering of physical gift cards--log in to your Scrip Manager account to order physical gift cards (See Online Ordering on the right)
  • Digital Gift Cards --Raise Right Fundraising eGift cards is a mobile app that allow you to earn tuition credit with digital gift cards from your mobile device

T.R.I.P. Frequently Asked Questions

List of 11 frequently asked questions.

  • How do I get started with TRIP?

    Print, complete, and submit the registration form along with the registration fee to the address listed at the top of the form. If you would like a form sent home with your student or mailed to you, contact the T.R.I.P. office.  Upon receipt, a TRIP account number will be assigned and your first ordering envelope will be sent to you. As soon as you receive it, you can begin ordering!
  • How do I pay for my gift cards/certificates?

    If you use the envelope system, payment is by check only. Sorry, but we CANNOT ACCEPT CASH. Checks should be made out to TRIP. If you have friends or family ordering through you, their checks should also be made out to TRIP. There is no limit as to how many checks you submit with your order. Be sure to put your TRIP account number on all of the checks in your envelope.

    If you want to use a banking ACH or credit card, use the online SCRIP manager option.
  • When are orders due?

    During the school year, they are due at any campus by Monday 8:30 a.m. Late orders will not be accepted. Each office has a TRIP box to put orders in. For the summer operating schedule, TRIP orders must be dropped off at CCHS by 8:30 a.m. on Mondays. For your convenience, orders may be dropped off at CCHS during "off" weeks. Office summer hours are Monday through Thursday from 8:00 a.m. to noon. Orders may be dropped off at the Tinley Park campus on processing days only by 8:30 a.m.
  • When are orders distributed?

    Orders are available for pick up on Thursdays (Fridays if it is a holiday week) from 2:45-3:15 p.m.  A disclaimer can be signed on your Registration Form if you would like your child to bring your order home.  For the summer operating schedule, pick up is at CCHS only on Thursdays from 9:00-10:00 a.m.
  • How do I fill out my order envelope?

    Use full dollar amounts. For example, Pete’s Fresh Market certificates come in $20 denominations. To order $100 in certificates, simply write 100 on the blank line (do not write in the quantity of certificates, or 5.) Write in your order total on the TOTAL line. Enclose your check inside the envelope (be sure the check amount matches your order total!) Seal your envelope from end-to-end. (We don't want to risk any gift cards/certificates falling out!)
  • I lost my TRIP ordering envelope. What should I do?

    Extra envelopes are available in the office at each campus. You may have your child pick one up or stop in for one.  You can also place your order online through your Scrip Manager account.
  • Can I submit more than one order per week?

    No. Our software will only except one entry per family per week. If you have already turned in your order but need to add to it, please get your order back, write in your additional items, cut the very top off of your envelope, and insert any additional checks.  If you are placing an online order, you can simply add onto it by going into your Scrip Manager account.  Make sure to follow all the prompts so your order is updated.
  • When can I use my TRIP credit?

    Funds are released twice a year.  Statement periods run from April 1 - September 30, and October 1 – March 31.  Funds will be disbursed at the end of one of the six-month statement periods only. 

    Future families may establish an account to credit your future tuition. The money will be held without interest until the time T.R.I.P. is notified that you have a child(ren) enrolled. 
  • How do I use a voucher?

    The voucher program includes participating merchants who do not offer gift cards or certificates for advance purchase.  Three-part vouchers are available at all school offices.  See a full list of voucher merchants and more information on making voucher purchases under TRIP Resources.
  • What is Online Ordering through SCRIP Manager?

    Order from all of your favorite TRIP merchants.  Instead of turning in your envelope each week, place your order online.  You will receive your physical gift cards on the regular distribution day.  For  information, see Ordering with SCRIP Manager.
  • How does the Raise Right Fundraising App work?

    Once you have downloaded the Raise Right fundraising App and put your family number in "Name (optional)" field, you can shop in-store or online at hundreds of stores.  When you go to check out, open the app and choose your store.  Purchase an eGift Card.  Have the cashier scan the barcode on your phone in-store or enter the redemption code in the gift cards section when shopping online. A percentage of your purchase goes toward  tuition credit.  You must be registered with TRIP to have the credit earned posted to your tuition account.  For complete more information, see Digital Gift Card Information.

Digital Gift Card Program

  • TRIP Digital Gift Card Program
    Click the TRIP Digital Gift Card link above to learn more about the Raise Right Fundraising eGift Card program - a digital option to the traditional physical gift card program to earn tuition credit.


See our Frequently Asked Questions below. You can also contact the TRIP team directly at or call the TRIP office at 708.634.1089.

Ordering with SCRIP Manager

Order from all of your favorite TRIP merchants in the traditional program.  Instead of turning in your envelope each week, place your order online.  You will receive your physical gift cards on the regular processing day -- your child will bring them home or you can pick them up at your campus.

TRIP Resources

What's New!

List of 1 news stories.

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TRIP Events

List of 5 events.

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Admissions Notification

Now accepting applications for the 2025-26 school year!

Additional Information