
Affording CCS

Chicago Christian Schools is committed to making our excellent Christ-Centered education accessible to families with a wide range of financial situations. 

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Pass It On (PIO) Thrift Store - Tuition Savings

The Pass It On (PIO) Thrift Store Discount is available to 100% of our families in 2024-25.

CCS is more affordable for your family through our option of the Pass It On (PIO) Thrift Store partnership. The Pass It On partnership offers a recurring tuition discount for families starting in Kindergarten-12th grade. The thrift store is fully volunteer-run, and its proceeds directly support all three CCS campuses, creating a wonderful way for CCS to be more affordable for your family.
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Tuition Rates 2024-25

Preschool Tuition

Half Day Full Day
2 Days a Week $2,090 $5,375
3 Days a Week $3,135 $7,265
5 Days a Week $5,230 $8,955

*Full day Preschool prices include the cost of Before & After Care*

Kindergarten Tuition

Regular Rate With PIO Discount
1/2 Day $6,350 $5,785
Full Day $11,520 $10,455

Elementary-High School Tuition

Regular Rate With PIO Discount
1st-5th Grade $11,520 $10,455
6th-8th Grade $12,500 $11,365
9th-12th Grade $14,990 $13,575

Tuition & Cost FAQ

List of 6 frequently asked questions.

  • What does the cost of tuition cover?

    Tuition revenue covers all academic program budgets, salaries, healthcare and retirement benefits for teachers, administrators and staff.  It also covers basic day-to-day maintenance and operations of our campuses and our technology programs.  Like most private schools, tuition alone does not cover the full cost of operations.  Additional funds are needed and raised for special projects, growing our Foundation, updates to our facilities, upgrades to our technology, and similar developments.
  • What is the Pass It On Thrift Center and how can it help reduce my tuition?

    Pass it On Thrift Center (PIO) is a resale shop located in Crestwood, IL. PIO is run by an all-volunteer staff. Each year, PIO provides financial support to our schools for the purpose of keeping tuition costs accessible.

    For 2025-26, PIO has pledged $1 Million for tuition reduction!
    Would you like to see this benefit continue?  Then we need your help!  We need our families -- students, parents, grandparents -- to support PIO by volunteering at the center.  Learn more about PIO here.
  • What is T.R.I.P. and how can it help reduce my tuition?

    The Tuition Rebate Incentive Program (TRIP) is an opportunity for families to accumulate credit specifically to reduce their tuition. Simply purchase gift cards through our program.  We offer a traditional gift card program that is distributed weekly as well as an immediate online purchase option.  TRIP offers cards through 150 different merchants including Jewel Osco, Mariano's, Speedway and more.  We've got all of your needs covered from everyday items to holiday gifts. Ask grandparents and other family members to participate on your behalf and see your tuition credit grow!

    Check out the TRIP page here to learn more about the program.
  • What additional fees and expenses are required?

    General Fees:
    Capital Fee - $200 per family, annually
    Enrollment Fee - $100 per family, annually (This fee is waived for families new to CCS that have paid an application fee.)

    Kindergarten through 5th Grade Fees:
    PE Fee - $15, annually
    Bible Fee - $17, one time (due in 1st grade for Oak Lawn campus, and 3rd Grade for Tinley Park campus)

    Middle School Fees:
    Class Fee - $55, annually
    8th Grade Graduation - $45, one time

    High School Fees:
    Book Rental Fee - $45, annually
    Class Fee - $50, annually
    12th Grade Graduation Fee - $55, one time

    Book Store Day - This event is held annually just prior to the start of school.  Students purchase their workbooks, reading books, and other supplies for the school year.  The cost ranges depending on the courses chosen.  This expense is in addition to the Book Rental Fee.
  • What is the cost of Before & After Care?

    We offer this service for students in preschool through 8th grade.  For full time preschool students, the cost is included in the tuition rate.  For all other students, the following rates apply: 

    Before & After Care 2 Days/Week3 Days/Week4 Days/Week5 Days/Week
    Morning (7 to 8:10am)       $675 Annual
    $75 Month
    $1035 Annual
    $115 Month
    $1350 Annual
    $150 Month
    $1,665 Annual
    $185 Month
    Afternoon (3:10 to 6pm)$1,350 Annual
    $150 Month
    $2,205 Annual
    $245 Month
    $2,790 Annual
    $310 Month
    $3,420 Annual
    $380 Month
    Morning & Afternoon$2,160 Annual
    $240 Month
    $3,240 Annual
    $380 Month
    $3,915 Annual
    $435 Month
    $4,770 Annual
    $530 Month

    To use the service on occasion (referred to as "Occasional Care"), the cost is $7.50 per hour and it is billed monthly. 

    The registration fee for Before & After Care is $5 annually for Occasional Care and $30 annually for Scheduled Care.  CCS offers care for some week days that school is not in session and/or has an early dismissal.
  • Do you provide bus transportation?

    Yes!  CCS operates its own bus fleet throughout much of the southwestern suburbs and some areas of Chicago.  Current boundaries, as determined by our Board, are shown in the map below.  In addition to the areas shown on the map, we also include group stops each year depending on need.  We have had group stops in Matteson and South Holland.  Please note that bus routes and group stops are determined in early July each summer, and it is based on the needs of students requesting transportation and that are fully enrolled for the following school year.  

    Through partnership with Calvin Christian School in South Holland, we have one group stop option at a discounted rate for High School families in this geographical area. Families who would like their high school student to ride this group route, should check the box to request bus service.  On the bus form that you will receive, indicate Calvin Christian for the pick-up/drop-off location.  Please contact the Association Office at 708-388-7656 for rates and additional information. 

            Two-Way Bus Fare
    $900 Base Rate Per Family, Annually
    Plus $95 Per Mile*, Per Student,  Annually

    One-Way Bus Fare
    Calculated at 60% of the Two-Way Rate
    *Mileage is calculated as the shortest route, as determined by CCS Transportation Department, from the child's home to the campus.

    Transportation fees can be set up on the same payment plan chosen for tuition: one-pay, two-pay, or 10-month installment.

Tuition Assistance

Chicago Christian Schools offers a needs-based Tuition Assistance program.  For new students, the application for Tuition Assistance is part of the school application process.  For returning students, the application for Tuition Assistance is part of the re-enrollment process.  

Tuition Assistance is awarded towards tuition for Kindergarten through 12th grade students only.  Generally, a family is eligible for tuition assistance if the family's net tuition exceeds the following guidelines:

# of Kindergarten through 12th Grade
Students at CCS
       Family Contribution Towards Tuition*
1 12% of AGI**
2 13% of AGI**
3 14% of AGI**
4 or More 15% of AGI**

*Families with income above an established threshold (determined by the CCS Board of Directors annually) are expected to contribute a greater percentage of their adjusted gross income (AGI).  A family whose income does not meet the above guidelines may still be eligible for tuition assistance if the family has unusual expenses or other special circumstances.  Please provide any information you think the Finance Committee should be aware of in making its decision concerning your Tuition Assistance Application. 

Tuition Assistance is generally awarded as follows:
  • Up to 20% for one student
  • Up to 30% for two or more students
Additional assistance may be available from other sources known to CCS -- such as church support, scholarships from third parties, and others.

Tuition Assistance FAQ

List of 3 frequently asked questions.

  • How is Tuition Assistance determined?

    These factors can be considered in determining assistance: 

    • Income: AGI or Adjusted Gross Income (as defined by your federal tax return.) This includes earning from wages, business activity, investments, rental income, etc.
    • Family Education Commitments: Other Christian school tuition for siblings in grades Kindergarten through 8th grade.
    • Unexpected and Unique Circumstances: This includes medical expenses or other unexpected necessities.
    • Divorced, separated, or never-married parents: 
    1. Both parents' income is used in cases where no divorce is finalized, or
    2. Per divorce decree, or
    3. Custodial parent's income plus anticipated child support/alimony, or
    4. Custodial parent and step parent's income. 
  • How and when do I apply for Tuition Assistance?

    For new families, apply during the Application process.

    For returning families, apply during the re-enrollment process. 
  • Do churches assist with the cost of Christian education?

    CCS is aware of some churches that are willing to assist families in need with the cost of tuition for a Christian education.  By indicating the name of your church on your application, we will notify you if your church participates in this program.  Any financial information provided herein will not be provided to your church, or any other outside party.  CCS takes your Tuition Assistance application seriously, and will keep your information confidential.