
Pass It On Thrift Center

The Pass It On Thrift Center is located in Crestwood, IL near Chicago Christian High School. A group of dedicated parents and grandparents opened the center in October 1999 with the sole purpose of supporting Christian education at Chicago Christian Schools. The center has gone through several expansions and renovations and is still going strong.  Proceeds are gifted to SCCS with the express intent of keeping tuition accessible for our families. We are not aware of any other thrift store that provides this level of support, year after year, to a private school. This support would not be possible without dedicated volunteers.
For the 2024/25 school year,
Pass It On has pledged a gift of $1,000,000!

How can you support Pass It On?

We ask all of our families to volunteer
their time at Pass It On.

List of 3 items.

  • Shop

    We only put out the best items. Check out our boutique jewelry section. We have entire sets of china, furniture, tools, toys and games, clothing, baby items, small appliances, and more! You are sure to find something that you just cannot pass up.
  • Donate

    Cleaning out your closets or garage? Please keep the thrift store in mind. Go to the Pass It On Website to see specifics about how and when to donate items, or schedule a pick up of large/heavy items.
  • Volunteer

    Volunteer Opportunities:
    • Sort Nights – Every Monday and Wednesday, year round, is sort night at Pass It On. Come on by at 6pm to help sort clothing donated to the store and ready it to go out on the racks. It’s a fun time and an opportunity to meet others in our community.
    • Work in a specific department to sort, price and display items – clothing, boutique jewelry and china, housewares, furniture, and more.
    • Help pick up and deliver furniture.
    • Work as a cashier, a valet (accepting donations), or a sales floor assistant.
    To attend a sort night on a Monday or Wednesday, simply head on over at 6pm. For volunteer opportunities in addition to Sort Nights, please either contact your PIO Campus Representative or complete an online volunteer application

Pass It on Thrift Center

435 West 127th Street
Crestwood, IL 60418

PIO Campus Representatives:
CCHS, Jim VanDellen -
Oak Lawn,  Jillian Fuller -
Tinley ParK,  Laura Stoub -

Sort Nights

Thousands of pounds of clothing and soft goods are donated to Pass It On every year.  Sort Nights are set up for volunteers to make a first pass at sorting these items.  We hold Sort Nights most Monday and Wednesday evenings from 6 to 9pm.  Parents and families from Southwest Chicago Christian Schools and Chicago Christian High School are asked to volunteer at several Sort Nights every school year.  High school students are welcome.  Younger students may attend with their parents when they are mature enough to help in the sorting process.  

Sort Nights Are Fun!  Who can you get to join you? 
  • Church Small Groups
  • Extended Family Members
  • Girls Night Out - Enjoy a Bite to Eat Before You Come
  • Athletic Teams
  • Book Clubs

To find out more about Sort Nights, please call the store and ask for a Coordinator - (708) 824-0433.