Featured Alumna - May 2024

Savannah Tully '16 Beaupied
When I share about my life and what I am proud of, Chicago Christian High School always comes up. My time at CCHS was transformative and paved an incredible path for my future. The community brought me examples of God-led lives that I still remember. From classmates who were passionate about their devotion to Jesus to teachers who prayed at the opening of class, it was clear that God’s presence saturated this place. I still have my “Record of Becoming” reflections that I wrote while in Mr. Siemer’s Comp & Grammar class reminding me of the journey the Lord has walked with me.

Of all the experiences I had at CCHS, God used the mission trips to bring direction to my life. While at CCHS I took two trips to Guatemala with the school and one trip with the Pittman family. Then I continued taking trips there on my own as teams stopped going. Following high school, I earned a degree in theology from Moody Bible Institute. During those years I continued volunteering abroad in Guatemala and Mexico. It was also during that time that I met my husband who was studying youth ministry at Moody.

Since our time at Moody, my husband and I have sought to be career missionaries with an emphasis on building up local churches. Lord-willing, in 2025 our family will move to Costa Rica to train as church planters. Once training is complete, we will move to Guatemala and operate the church planting ministry there. Eleven years ago I had the opportunity to visit Guatemala for the very first time, not knowing what God would do with that one week. Today my family is fundraising to move to Central America and fulfill the Lord’s work there. 

I am grateful beyond words for all that God did through my four years at CCHS. The emphasis on restoring God’s world transformed my worldview, my purpose, and my aspirations.

You can learn more about us and our journey and get involved in the mission at BeaupiedMinistries.com.